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Research and Specialized Classrooms


Existing Laboratories and Specialized Classrooms

Research Laboratories:

張芫榕Technical Assistant / Miaoli Creative Hub / Prototyping Center
方裕民老師 / 3D Fabrication and VR Interface Laboratory
陳坤淼老師 / Affective and Interactive Design Laboratory 
楊敏英老師/ Culture and Gender Design Laboratory 
張建成老師 / Xiangxue Woodworking Workshop
洪偉肯老師 / Emotion and Technology Laboratory

Specialized Classrooms:

張芫榕技佐/ Practical Workshop
趙龍傑老師、張芫榕技佐 / Transportation and Footwear Workshop
張芫榕技佐 / Computer Classroom
張芫榕技佐 / Digital Photography Studio
姜秀傑老師 / Metal Craft Classroom
吳婉華助理 /Audiovisual Classroom 
張芫榕技佐 / Spray Paint Workshop